Anaerobic HYBRID reactor (AHR) is combining the attributes of a UASB in the lower part and an anaerobic filter in the upper part. Anaerobic HYBRID reactor was developed to solve UASB and anaerobic filter problem. UASB failed to produce dense granule and occasionally process failure was noted when granules disintegrated or floated, beside that anaerobic filter was poorly settling biomass which will not be retained in the system. By using anaerobic hybrid reactor as compared to the UASB reactor, the rate of sludge washout reduced. Moreover Anaerobic HYBRID reactor can reduce investment costs through the use of cheaper local media.
Anaerobic HYBRID reactor has been chosen in many industries because of its flexibility to deal with almost all kinds of wastewater including abattoirs, dairies, distilleries, soft beverages, petrochemical plants, pharmaceuticals, textiles, pulp and paper, vegetable and fruit processors, tanneries as well as fish and other food processing units. Anaerobic HYBRID reactor was used to treat cassava starch wastewater. In an investigation, a wastewater with an organic loading rate to 4.0 kg COD/m3/day and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5.4 hr, 70 - 87 percent of chemical oxygen demand (COD) were removed (Chaiprasert, 2003).
In a lab-scale Anaerobic HYBRID reactor study for treating distillery spent wash, Kumar, et al. (2007) suggested that AHR is more efficient in terms of COD removal and biogas production as compared to UASB reactor. At optimum HRT, 5 days and OLR, 8.7 kg COD/m3/d, the COD removal efficiency and methane yield in Anaerobic HYBRID reactor were approximately 5% more than UASB reactor. Moreover, AHR was capable of resisting up to 2 times of shock load as compared to UASB reactor capable of resisting only 1.5 times of shock loading.
Chaiprasert P, Suvajittanont W, Suraraksa B, Tanticharoen M, Bhumiratana S, 2003, “Nylon fiber as supporting media in anaerobic hybrid reactors: its effects on system’s performance and microbial distribution”. Water Research,Vol. 37, pp. 4605-4612.
Kumar, G. S, Gupta, S. K., and Singh G, 2007, “Anaerobic hybrid reactor - a promising technology for the treatment of distillery spent wash”, Journal of Indian School of Mines, Vol.11, No.1 25-38